It's time for a new kind of journalism. Let's get to work.
Together with you, we want to break new ground.
Journalism is in crisis. The problems are well known. To find effective solutions, a change of thinking is needed. A re-thinking. We are convinced that a new society also needs a new kind of journalism. Are you, too? Then become a part of tapwriter now.
Tapwriter is a platform for independent journalism. By connecting journalists and users directly – from finding topics to funding content – tapwriter creates a new, sustainable model for journalism in a network society. Without advertising. Without algorithms. Driven and sustained by the community.
Register for free and start publishing immediately.
Work independently and report on topics that are close to your heart.
Write single Stories or bundle related Stories in projects.
Discover inspiring Stories and Projects from other journalists and follow them.
On tapwriter independent journalists write about topics that are close to their hearts. Get to know our newest tapwriters.
Our guiding principles
1. We are striving to evolve journalism. 2. We foster engaging communities. 3. We challenge traditional journalistic roles. 4. We encourage new forms of co-creation. 5. We facilitate diverse perspectives existing in harmony. 6. We explore new ways of storytelling. 7. We are committed to self-determination. 8. We believe in independent, no strings attached journalism. 9. We value dialog and growth.